The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

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To the Readers of The Spiritist Review

Three years in existence were enough to let the readers of this Review know about the mind frame that presides over its publication. The best proof of your support is in the constant increase in the number of subscriptions, notably augmented in this last period. However, the testimonies of sympathy and satisfaction that we receive every day are infinitely more precious to us. Their approval gives us the encouragement to continue our task, bringing to our work every improvement whose utility has been demonstrated by experience. As we did in the past, we will continue with the rational study of the principles of science, from the philosophical and moral stand point, without neglecting the facts; however, when citing facts we don’t stop at the simple narrative, perhaps entertaining, but certainly sterile if we don’t add the research of possible causes and the deduction of their consequences. Hence we address serious people, who are not satisfied by seeing things only but who want to understand them, before anything else. The succession of facts are otherwise empty, if we do not fall into tedious repetition because they all roll more or less inside the same circle, and we would not tell anything new to our readers by saying that in this or that house people are making the tables turn more or less just fine. For us facts have another character: they are not stories but subjects of study, and those of simpler appearance may sometimes give rise to the most interesting observations. Things here behave like in ordinary science in which a small piece of leaf contains as many mysteries to the observer as a gigantic tree. That is why we take much more into account the instructive side of the facts than the entertaining side, dedicating our attention to those that can teach us something, irrespectively of how strange they may be.

Despite the considerable number of subjects that we have already discussed, we are far from having strained the series of all that are related to Spiritism, because the more we advance in that science, the more the horizon is enlarged. The subjects whom are still to be investigated will provide material for a long time to come, not counting the new ones. We have been pushing them off on purpose for a long time now so that they can be discussed, as the state of art of the current knowledge allows for the better understanding of their reach. That is why, for example, today we give much more space to the spontaneous spiritist dissertations because most of their instructions can be much better appreciated than in a time when only the first elements of the science were known. Years ago they would be analyzed on their literary merit only and a number of profound and useful thoughts would go unnoticed, because they were dealing with matters still unknown or not much understood. The method has not been excluded by the diversity of matters and the lack of organization is just apparent since each thing has its determined place. Variety calms the spirit down but logical order facilitates understanding.

We struggle to avoid turning our Review into something lackluster. We certainly do not have the pretension of making something perfect but we do hope that our intention is at least taken into account.

NOTICE: The subscribers that do not wish to receive The Review late in 1861 please renew your membership before January 1st next.

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