The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

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Bulletin of the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies

Friday, March 30th 1860
(Private Session)


Mr. Ledoyen (treasury) presents the financial balance sheet of the Society for the second semester of the fiscal year, ending on March 30th, 1860. The balance sheet was approved.


1st – Mr. Chuard from Lyon pays tribute to the Society with two brochures, the first containing a sacred ode to the immortality of the soul, and the second a satire to societies in partnerships. The Society thanks the author and although one of the brochures in particular is strange to the objectives of its works, both shall be kept in the library.

2nd – Reading of three letters from Mr. Morhéry about the cures operated by Ms. Godu, healing medium who moved to his house and became sponsored by him. Mr. Morhéry, as a man of Science, observes the effects of the treatments practiced by that young lady in several patients under their responsibility. He records the results in a detailed chart as done in a regular clinical treatment room, having even attested prodigious results in a short time.

Mr. President adds that the Society has two reasons to be interested in Ms. Godu. Besides the sympathy naturally provoked by the examples of charity and altruism, so rare in our days, from the spiritist point of view the young lady offers precious matter for study since she is gifted with an exceptional faculty. We would be interested in a medium of physical effects that produced extraordinary phenomena; we could not see with less interest a medium whose faculties benefit humanity and that reveals, in addition, a new force of nature.

3rd – Letter from Mr. Count of R…, regular member who left for Brazil and is now stranded at the Port of Cherbourg due to inclement weather. He asks the Society to evoke him in this current session, if possible.

Mr. T… observes that the same person has already been evoked twice and that a third time seems superfluous.

Mr. Allan Kardec answers that since the objective of the Society is the study, the same person may offer useful observations in a third experiment, as much as in the first and second. As a matter of fact, the spirit is more lucid and explicit the more it communicates and, in a certain way, identifies with the medium that is used as an instrument. In the present case this is not to satisfy a caprice or a vain curiosity. The Society does not seek entertainment or attraction in the communications. The intention is instruction. Well, since Mr. de R… is presently in a completely different situation as compared to that of previous evocations, it can give rise to new observations.

St. Louis was consulted about the opportunity of the evocation, responding that it could not be produced at this time.


1st – Two spontaneous essays, one from St. Louis, by Ms. Huet, and another by Charlet, by Mr. Didier Junior.

2nd – Multiple questions addressed to St. Louis about the spirit who communicated spontaneously in the last session, bearing the name Being, by Ms. de Boyer, accused of trying to spread disruption and disagreement and of having interfered with multiple communications. An interesting teaching came out of the answers about the way the spirits interact with one another.

3rd – Mr. R… proposes the evocation of one of his friends, who has been missing since 1848 and from whom none have heard. Considering the late hours the evocation was adjourned to a forthcoming session. The Society decides that there will be no session on Good Friday, April 6th. From April 20th onwards the sessions shall take place at the new headquarters of the Society, located at Rue Saint-Anne 59, Passage de Saint Anne. Friday, April 13th (Private Session)


Approval of four new members, as regular members.

The Society confers the title of honorary members to five previously approved members.


Since Mrs. D…, member of the Society, travelled to Dieppe, she extended her trip to Grandes-Venters, where she heard directly from Mr. Goubert, the baker, the confirmation of every fact reported in our March issue, even adding more details. She attested, by the examination of the places, that particularly with respect to certain facts a fraud was just impossible. From the information she obtained it seems that the phenomena were caused by the presence of a young man who was working for the baker for some time already and thanks to whom similar events took place at other places of employment as well. Since the phenomena occurred regardless of the medium’s will, he can be classified in the category of natural or involuntary mediums. Nothing else has been reported since he left Mr. Goubert’s house.


1st – Spontaneous essays obtained by three different mediums

2nd – Evocation of Mr. Vogel, a traveler who was murdered in Africa. The evocation did not yield the expected results. The spirit claims to be suffering, requesting prayers that may help him to come out of his current disturbed state. He says that he can elaborate later.

Mr. Allan Kardec proposes an in-depth and detailed study of certain spontaneous messages and others that could be commented on and analyzed as is done with literary works. Such a study would have the double advantage of practicing the appreciation of the value of the spiritist communications followed by the consequent dissuasion of deceiving spirits who would see their words ultimately controlled by reason and repelled if showing any suspicious content, eventually realizing they had wasted their time. As for the serious spirits, these could be recalled to provide explanations and further developments about points of their communications that may still need clarification.

The Society approves the proposal.

Friday, April 20th, 1860
(Private Session)


1st – Letter from Mr. J…, a regular member from Saint-Étienne. The letter contains fair appreciation of Spiritism, demonstrating that the author understands its true principles.

2nd – Letter from Mr. L…, a worker from Troyes, with reflections about the moralizing influence of Spiritism over the working classes. He invites the serious followers to take on the burden of propagating it in their circles, in the interest of order, aiming at the revival of fading religious feelings, which has given place to skepticism, the ulcer of our century, and to the denial of all moral responsibilities.

These two gentlemen have already declared on other occasions that they have never seen anything in terms of practical Spiritism and yet they are not less firmly convinced, just considering the philosophical reach of the Spiritist Science. The President calls the attention to the fact that every day he sees similar examples, not from people who believe blindly, but on the contrary, from those who think and endeavor to understand. To those, the philosophical part is the main part as it explains what no other philosophy has done so far. The manifestations are an accessory.

3rd – Letter from Mr. Dumas, from Sétif, Algeria, member of the Society, transmitting new interesting details about facts that he had witnessed. In particular he mentions a medium who presents a singular faculty, of spontaneously entering into a kind of somnambulistic state, without having been magnetized, every time that an evocation is carried out through him; he then writes or speaks, giving answers to framed questions.


1st – Mrs. R…, a corresponding member of the Society from Jura, reports a curious personal fact. It is about a clock which goes back to family traditions and which seems to be submitted to a singular and intelligent influence, under certain conditions.

2nd – Reading of a communication given in another spiritist meeting, signed by Joan of Arc. It contains excellent advices to the mediums about the causes that can annihilate or pervert their mediumistic faculties (published below).

3rd – Mr. Col… starts reading a communication given to him in private and signed by St. Luke, the evangelist. Noticing that the evocation deals with several questions of religious dogmas he stops reading due to the rules that prohibit the discussion of such subjects. Mr. Col… adds that since the evocation does not have an orthodox character he did not see any inconvenience in reading it.

The President objects that the answers always presuppose questions. Well then, orthodox or not, the answers always give place to the supposition that the Society is involved with questions which should otherwise be vetoed. Another observation reinforces these reasons: it is the fact that among the members, there are those coming from different religious denominations; what may seem orthodox to some may not be to others, which is already a reason for abstention. As a matter of fact, the bylaws prescribe the previous analysis of every communication obtained outside of the Society. Such measures must be strictly observed.


Evocation of Mr. Royer’s friend, Mr. B…, who had disappeared from his home since June 25th, 1848. He provides some information about his accidental death during the turmoil of that period. Mr. Royer acknowledges his identity from the language and some private details.

Friday, April 27th, 1860
(General Session)


1st – Letter from Dr. Morhéry with new studies about the cures obtained with the help of Ms. Godu, through what one may call intuitive medicine (published below).

2nd – Regarding the healing medicine, Mr. C…, one of the attendees at the session and invited by the President, provides information of the highest relevance about the healing powers in certain South Asian communities. An Indian born, natural from the Hindustan, Mr. C… witnessed a number of facts of that nature which he took for granted in those days. Today he finds the key to those phenomena in Spiritism and magnetism. The healing communities would make broad use of certain plants. Often, however, they touched and rubbed the patient while acting under the influence of occult voices that would guide them.

3rd – A curious fact of a circumstantial intuition of a previous existence. The person involved describes the fact in a letter addressed to one friend who read it, saying that since her childhood she keeps the precise memory of having succumbed during the massacres of St. Bartholomew, even recollecting details of her death, of places and so forth. The circumstances do not allow the assumption of an exalted imagination since such memory goes back to a period in which no one was involved with spirits or reincarnation.

4th – Mr. Georges G…, from Marseille, reports the following fact: A youngster died eight months ago and his family, which has three medium sisters, evoke him almost daily, using a basket. Each time that the spirit is called, a little dog that he was very fond of, hops on the table, sniffing the basket and growling. The first time it happened the basket wrote: “My brave little dog that recognizes me.” Mr. G… says: I can assure you about the reality of these facts. I did not see them myself but the persons who told them to me and who have witnessed them several times are very good and serious spiritists to give me any doubt. I ask myself after all that if the perispirit, although not tangible, would have any kind of aroma or if certain animals would be endowed by some sort of mediumship.

A special study will be carried out later about this interesting subject to see whether or not other not less interesting facts may be able to shed some light on this subject.

5th – Verification of the presence of a bad spirit brought to a private session by a visitor, from which one can infer the influence exerted by the presence of certain persons under certain circumstances.

6th – Readings of a private evocation carried out by Mr. Allan Kardec of one of the main convulsionaries of Saint-Médard, deceased in 1830, and in the presence of her own daughter, who confirmed the identity of the evoked spirit. The evocation provides an elevated teaching, with particular interest regarding the special circumstances in which it was carried out (to be published).


1st – Spontaneous essay obtained through Mrs. P…

2nd – Evocation of Stevens, comrade of Georges Brown

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