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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > March > Spontaneous Essays - The Genie of the Flowers > Happiness
Happiness (Stael)
(Society, February 10th 1860 session – medium Ms. Eugenie)
(Society, February 10th 1860 session – medium Ms. Eugenie)
What is the objective of each individual on Earth? It is happiness, at any price. What is it that determines a different route to everyone? Each one of us expects to find happiness in a place or on something that is particularly pleasing: some look for glory, others richness and others still seek distinction. The majority looks for fortune that is the most powerful means of getting everything else in our days. Fortune is a pedestal to everything. Nevertheless, how many see such aspiration of happiness fulfilled? Very few do. Ask each of those who get there if they have achieved the proposed objective. Are they happy? Everyone will respond that not yet since all desires grow in proportion to those that have been satisfied. If there are so many people interested in Spiritism today it is because they have seen the illusion in everything else and try Spiritism like they have tried wealth and glory before. If God has placed such a great need for happiness in our hearts it is because it must exist somewhere. Yes, trust God, but know that everything that comes from God must be divine like God and the so much expected happiness must not be material. Come to us, all of you who suffer. Come to us, all of you who need hope because when you lack everything else on Earth, we have here more than you need.
Desperate mothers, crying over a tomb, come here! The angel, for whom you cry, shall speak with you, will protect and inspire resignation in you, soothing the penalties that you must withstand on Earth. All of you, who have insatiable need for knowledge, come to us since we are the only ones capable of feeding your spirit. Come and we will find the proper relief to every pain. However abandoned you may seem to be, there are spirits who love you and are ready to demonstrate so. I speak for all of them. I wish for you to come, to be advised by us, for I am certain that you shall leave with hope in your heart.
Note: One moment later the spirit wrote again, and spontaneously:
More than once there is a smile on the lips of certain listeners, which may escape the medium but does not escape the spirits. However, have no fear. Those who laugh the most are the ones who will believe more later on. We forgive you because you may regret your irony one day. I am sure, ladies, if there was a loved one who you lost near you, to vivify their memory your smile of incredulity would change to a sigh and you would become happy or anxious. Take your time. Your day will come and your heart that is your most sensitive cord shall touch you. I know that.
Desperate mothers, crying over a tomb, come here! The angel, for whom you cry, shall speak with you, will protect and inspire resignation in you, soothing the penalties that you must withstand on Earth. All of you, who have insatiable need for knowledge, come to us since we are the only ones capable of feeding your spirit. Come and we will find the proper relief to every pain. However abandoned you may seem to be, there are spirits who love you and are ready to demonstrate so. I speak for all of them. I wish for you to come, to be advised by us, for I am certain that you shall leave with hope in your heart.
Note: One moment later the spirit wrote again, and spontaneously:
More than once there is a smile on the lips of certain listeners, which may escape the medium but does not escape the spirits. However, have no fear. Those who laugh the most are the ones who will believe more later on. We forgive you because you may regret your irony one day. I am sure, ladies, if there was a loved one who you lost near you, to vivify their memory your smile of incredulity would change to a sigh and you would become happy or anxious. Take your time. Your day will come and your heart that is your most sensitive cord shall touch you. I know that.