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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > November > Homer
Since long ago we have been in touch with two mediums from Sens,
who are as distinct for their faculties as commended for their modesty,
devotion and purity of intentions. We would not say so if we did not know
that they are inaccessible to pride, this stumbling stone of so many mediums,
which has wrecked so many happy dispositions. It is a rare quality
that deserves to be mentioned. We have personally verified the sympathies
that they both enjoy from the good spirits. Nevertheless, far from taking
advantage of that; far from considering themselves the only interpreters of
truth, and not falling into the dark trap of pretentious names, they humbly
accept with prudent reservation every communication they receive,
always submitting them to controls of reason.
That is the only way of discouraging the deceiving spirits who are
always stalking people that are prepared to accept any words that come
from them, as long as they are signed by a respectable name. As a matter
of fact, those two mediums have never received frivolous, trivial, rude or
ridiculed communications, and not one spirit has ever tried to pass eccentric
ideas through them or impose upon them as an absolute ruler. Even
further and demonstrating all the above in favor of the spirits that guide
them, there is the feeling of true benevolence and true Christian charity
inspired in their protégés. Such was the impression that had remained
with us from what we observed, and we are happy to say so.
In the interest of preservation and betterment of their faculties we
hope that they shall never make the same mistakes as the mediums that
consider themselves infallible. There isn’t a single one that can boast about
having never been deceived. The best intentions are not always a guarantee
and frequently that is a trial to exercise judgment and discernment.
But regarding those who unfortunately judge themselves infallible, the
deceiving spirits are very skillful to let the opportunity go. They do what
people do: they exploit every weakness.
Among the communications sent to us by those gentlemen, the following
one signed by Homer seemed of singular interest to us, although
it does not have anything special about the ideas, but for a remarkable
fact that may be considered proof of identity, up to a certain extent. This
communication was obtained spontaneously, and the medium had given
absolutely no thought to the Greek poet. It gave rise to several questions
that we also considered adequate to publish.
The medium one day wrote the following, not knowing who was
dictating it:
“My God! How profound are your designs and impenetrable your
eyes! Human beings have sought, at all times, the solution of a number
of problems not yet resolved. I have done that too in my life and did not
solve the simplest: evil, the goad that you employ to impel man to do good
through love. Still very young I met the abuse imposed by people on one
another, without premeditation, and as if evil were a natural element to
them, although it is not true and considering that everyone is destined to
the same end which is good.
They strangle one another, only to wake up and find a hurt brother!
Nevertheless, these are your designs and it is not up to us to change
them. We have only the merit or demerit of having resisted more or less
to the temptation, and like a sanction to all that, we find punishment
or reward.
I spent my youth among the reeds of “Mélès; I bathed and rocked often
in its waves. Hence I was called “Melesigenes” in my youth.”
1. Since this name is unknown, we beg the spirit to kindly explain it
to us in a more accurate way. – A. My youth navigated the waves;
my poetry gave me gray hair. I am the one that you call Homer.
OBSERVATION: It came as a great surprise to us for we had no
idea about Homer’s nickname. We found it later in the mythological
dictionary. The questions followed.
2. Could you kindly tell us why you gave us the honor of your spontaneous
visit since we did not absolutely think of you at this time,
and for which we apologize. – A. It is because I come to your
meetings as one who always goes to the brothers and sisters who
wish to do good.
3. We dare ask you to please tell us about the last moments of your
earthly life. – A. Oh my friends! God forbid you die as unfortunate
as I did! My body finished in the last of human miseries. The
soul is much perturbed in such a state. The awakening is harder,
but also much more beautiful! Oh! How great God is! May God
bless you, I wish from the bottom of my heart.
4. The poems Iliad and Odyssey that we have, are they as good as the
ones that you originally composed? – A. No. They were altered.
5. Several cities fought for the honor of having been named your
birthplace. Could you clarify that to us? – A. Find the Greek
city that had the house of Cléanax, the courtier. He was the one
who expelled my mother from my place of birth, because she refused
to be his lover, and you shall know where I was born. Yes,
they disputed that supposed honor, but did not do that for having
welcomed me. Oh! The poor humans. Always futilities; good
thoughts, never!
OBSERVATION: The most remarkable fact of this communication
is the revelation of Homer’s nickname, even more so when considering the limited instruction of both mediums, forced to
earn their living out of manual labor, and that could not have
any idea about it. That can be even less attributed to a reflex of
thought considering that they were alone at that time.
We will make another observation about it: every spiritist knows,
however little experience they may have, that someone who knew
Homer’s nickname and had evoked him, if that person had asked
him about his nickname as a proof of identity, it would have been
refused. If the communications were only a reflex of our thoughts,
how come the spirits would not say what we already know and
how come they say what we ignore? The fact is that the spirits
also have their dignity and susceptibility, and want to prove that
they are not at the service of the first one they meet. Suppose
that someone who strongly protests against the caprice or ill-faith
of the spirits would show up at a house, refusing to provide his
identity. What would he do if he were received but people asked
him point-blank to demonstrate that he was himself? He would
turn his back. That is what the spirits do. It does not mean that
one must believe in their words but when a proof of identity is
requested one needs to know how to treat them as well as people.
The proofs of identity spontaneously given are always the best.
If we have given a lot of space to a subject that does not seem
to justify so many considerations it is because we don’t want to
miss the opportunity of calling people’s attention to the practical
aspect of a science surrounded by more difficulties than thought,
and that many people think to dominate just because they know
how to make a table rap or a pencil move. As a matter of fact, we
address those who still think that they need advice and not those
that after a few months of study think that they don’t need them.
If the advice, which we believe to be useful, is lost by some we also
know that it will not be lost by all.