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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > June > Bibliography
In an article above we spoke of a new periodical publication about
Spiritism, in London, under the title The Spiritual Review. Italy does
not fall behind the movement that elevates the ideas to the invisible world.
We received a flyer from a newspaper published in Genoa, called L’Amore
del Vero, periodico de scienze, literature, belle arti, magnetism animale,
omeopatia, elettro-telegrafia, Spiritismo, etc. Sotto la direzzione dei signori
D. Pietro Gatti e B. E. Maineri. This journal is published three times per
month, in a notebook of 18 pages.
Dr. Gatti, director of the Genoa Institute of Homeopathy, is an enlightened
adept of Spiritism, and we have no doubt that the matters related to this
science are handled by him with the talent and sagacity that characterize him.
The Story of Joan of Arc dictated by herself to Ms. Ermance Dufaux,
whose reprint we just announced, is now available and can be found in the
Ledoyen bookstore. We referred to this remarkable work in the January
issue of The Review, 1858. Since then our opinion did not change regarding
its importance, not only from a historical point of view but as one of
the most curious facts of spiritist manifestations. The reprint was strongly
demanded and we don’t doubt that it will have as great a success as the
number of adepts of the new science who are today in larger number since
the time of the first publication.
Allan Kardec
Allan Kardec