Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > December > Notice

The Spiritist Review will begin its twelfth year on January 1st. The dear subscribers who do not want to experience any delay are asked to renew their subscription before December 31st.

The January issue, as usual, will be sent to all former subscribers; the following issues will only be sent after the renewals have been completed.

In the last number of this year we proposed to publish a general alphabetical table of conents, of all the subjects treated either in the Spiritist Revue, or in our other books, so as to facilitate research; but such a task, much more considerable than we had previously thought to have it completed, could not be finished in good time; we will publish it in one of our next issues, and it will be sent to all subscribers.

We will also soon publish a catalog with all the works that may be of interest to the Doctrine, either those that have been published with a view to Spiritism, or those that were published outside and at different times, having affinity of principles with the new beliefs. It will be a guide for the formation of Spiritist libraries. When published, the indication of the works will be followed by a short assessment to disclose its spirit, and a reminder will be given relatively to the number of the Spiritist Review where it was reported.

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