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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > February > Instructions of the Spirits > The final judgement
The final judgement
12. - Jesus will come in the clouds to judge the living and the dead.
Yes, God will send him, as he sends him every day, to render this sovereign justice in the immense plains of the ether. Ah! When Saint James was cast down from the top of the tower of the temple of Jerusalem, by the pontiffs and the Pharisees, for having announced to the assembled people this truth taught by Christ and his apostles, remember that at this word of the just, the multitude bowed down, crying: Glory to Jesus, son of God, in the highest heaven!
He will come in the clouds to hold his formidable foundations: isn’t this telling you, O Spiritists, that he is perpetually coming to receive the souls of those who return to erraticity? Go to my right, said the shepherd to his sheep, you who have done well according to my Father's views, go to my right and go up to him; as for you, who have let yourselves be dominated by the passions of Earth, go to my left, you are doomed.
Yes, you are condemned to begin the journey again, in a new earthly existence, until you are done with matters and iniquities, and you have finally driven out the impurity that dominates you. Yes, you are doomed; therefore, go and return to the hell of human life, while your brothers on my right will rush towards the higher spheres, from which the passions of Earth are excluded, until the day when they enter the kingdom of my Father by a greater purification.
Yes, Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead; the living: the righteous, those on his right hand side; the dead: the unclean, those on his left side; and when the wings sprout from the righteous, matter will take hold of the unclean again; and this, until they emerge victorious from the fights against impurity, and finally, forever strip themselves of their human chrysalises.
O Spiritists! You see that your doctrine is the only one that consoles, the only one that gives hope, by not condemning to eternal disgrace those unfortunate ones who have behaved badly for a few minutes of eternity; the only one, finally, that predicts the true end of Earth by the gradual elevation of the Spirits.
So, progress by stripping the old man, to enter the region of the beloved Spirits of God. (Erastus, Paris, 1861).
13. - Society in general, or to put it better, the reunion of beings, both incarnate and discarnate, who make up the floating population of a world, in a word, a humanity, is no other than a great collective child who, like any being endowed with life, goes through all the successive phases that takes place in each one, from birth to the most advanced age; and just as the development of the individual is accompanied by certain physical and intellectual disturbances that are more particularly incumbent on certain periods of life, humanity has its diseases of growth, its moral and intellectual upheavals. It is one of those great eras that end one period and begin another that you are given to witness. Participating at the same time in the things of the past and those of the future, in the systems that crumble and in the truths that are founded, be careful, my friends, to put yourselves on the side of solidity, of progress and logic, if you don't want to be pushed astray, abandoning the sumptuous palace in appearance, but vacillating in its foundation, and that will soon bury under their ruins the unfortunate ones, foolish enough not to want to leave them, in spite of the warnings of all kinds lavished upon them.
All fronts darken, and the apparent calm you enjoy only serves to accumulate more destructive elements. Sometimes the storm that destroys the fruit of a year's sweats is preceded by precursors that allow the necessary precautions to be taken to avoid devastation, as much as possible. This time it will not be so. The darkened sky will seem to brighten; the clouds will flee; then, suddenly, all the long-suppressed fury will be unleashed with unheard-of violence.
Woe to those who will not have prepared a shelter! Woe to the swaggers who will face danger unarmed and their breasts uncovered! Woe to those who will face the peril with a cup in hand! What a terrible disappointment awaits them! They will be struck before the cup they hold reaches their lips!
So, get to work, Spiritists, and don't forget that you must be all prudence and all foresight. You have a shield, know how to use it; an anchor of salvation, do not neglect it. (Clélie Duplantie, Paris, 1867).
Yes, God will send him, as he sends him every day, to render this sovereign justice in the immense plains of the ether. Ah! When Saint James was cast down from the top of the tower of the temple of Jerusalem, by the pontiffs and the Pharisees, for having announced to the assembled people this truth taught by Christ and his apostles, remember that at this word of the just, the multitude bowed down, crying: Glory to Jesus, son of God, in the highest heaven!
He will come in the clouds to hold his formidable foundations: isn’t this telling you, O Spiritists, that he is perpetually coming to receive the souls of those who return to erraticity? Go to my right, said the shepherd to his sheep, you who have done well according to my Father's views, go to my right and go up to him; as for you, who have let yourselves be dominated by the passions of Earth, go to my left, you are doomed.
Yes, you are condemned to begin the journey again, in a new earthly existence, until you are done with matters and iniquities, and you have finally driven out the impurity that dominates you. Yes, you are doomed; therefore, go and return to the hell of human life, while your brothers on my right will rush towards the higher spheres, from which the passions of Earth are excluded, until the day when they enter the kingdom of my Father by a greater purification.
Yes, Jesus will come to judge the living and the dead; the living: the righteous, those on his right hand side; the dead: the unclean, those on his left side; and when the wings sprout from the righteous, matter will take hold of the unclean again; and this, until they emerge victorious from the fights against impurity, and finally, forever strip themselves of their human chrysalises.
O Spiritists! You see that your doctrine is the only one that consoles, the only one that gives hope, by not condemning to eternal disgrace those unfortunate ones who have behaved badly for a few minutes of eternity; the only one, finally, that predicts the true end of Earth by the gradual elevation of the Spirits.
So, progress by stripping the old man, to enter the region of the beloved Spirits of God. (Erastus, Paris, 1861).
13. - Society in general, or to put it better, the reunion of beings, both incarnate and discarnate, who make up the floating population of a world, in a word, a humanity, is no other than a great collective child who, like any being endowed with life, goes through all the successive phases that takes place in each one, from birth to the most advanced age; and just as the development of the individual is accompanied by certain physical and intellectual disturbances that are more particularly incumbent on certain periods of life, humanity has its diseases of growth, its moral and intellectual upheavals. It is one of those great eras that end one period and begin another that you are given to witness. Participating at the same time in the things of the past and those of the future, in the systems that crumble and in the truths that are founded, be careful, my friends, to put yourselves on the side of solidity, of progress and logic, if you don't want to be pushed astray, abandoning the sumptuous palace in appearance, but vacillating in its foundation, and that will soon bury under their ruins the unfortunate ones, foolish enough not to want to leave them, in spite of the warnings of all kinds lavished upon them.
All fronts darken, and the apparent calm you enjoy only serves to accumulate more destructive elements. Sometimes the storm that destroys the fruit of a year's sweats is preceded by precursors that allow the necessary precautions to be taken to avoid devastation, as much as possible. This time it will not be so. The darkened sky will seem to brighten; the clouds will flee; then, suddenly, all the long-suppressed fury will be unleashed with unheard-of violence.
Woe to those who will not have prepared a shelter! Woe to the swaggers who will face danger unarmed and their breasts uncovered! Woe to those who will face the peril with a cup in hand! What a terrible disappointment awaits them! They will be struck before the cup they hold reaches their lips!
So, get to work, Spiritists, and don't forget that you must be all prudence and all foresight. You have a shield, know how to use it; an anchor of salvation, do not neglect it. (Clélie Duplantie, Paris, 1867).