Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868

Allan Kardec

You are in: Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1868 > February > Bibliography > Characters of the Spiritist Revelation
Characters of the Spiritist Revelation

by Allan Kardec

Many people have considered the article published with this title in September 1867, and that once completed, forms the first chapter of Genesis, as proper to propagate the true character of the Spiritist doctrine, and at the same time, as a refutation to certain critics. They, therefore, thought that it would be useful for the propagation of the idea to spread this article. To comply with their wishes, we did a separate print of the first chapter of Genesis, in a brochure that will be delivered in the same conditions as the Simple Expression, or at 15 cents, by mail, 20 cents. Ten copies altogether, 2 francs, or 10 cents per copy; by post, 2.60 cents.

The printing of this brochure, having been delayed, is now finished.

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