The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859 > November > Observations Regarding the Word Miracle
Observations Regarding the Word Miracle

Mr. Mathieu, mentioned in our October issue regarding the miracles, addressed the following complaint to us, promptly attended:

“Dear Sir,

“If I am not in agreement with you in all points at least I have the opportunity to comment, as you did in the latest issue of your journal. Thus, I totally agree with you regarding the word miracle.”

“Notice that if I used it in my brochure I also was careful to say on page 4: “Convinced that the word miracle expresses a fact produced outside the known laws of nature; a fact that escapes every human explanation, every scientific interpretation”, I then supposed to have given the word miracle a relative and conventional value. It seems to me, since you took the burden of criticizing me, that I was wrong.”

“In any case I count on your impartiality so that these lines, which I am honored to address to you, are welcome in your next issue. I am not upset as long as your readers know that I did not want to give to the word in question the meaning that you criticize, and that there was inability on my side or misunderstanding on yours, perhaps a bit of both.” Yours sincerely, etc.
As we said in our article, we were perfectly convinced about the meaning given by Mr. Mathieu to the word miracle. Thus, our criticism did not address his opinion in any way but the use of the word, even in its most rational use. There are so many people who don’t see but the surface of things and who do not take the burden of investigating them, fact that does not preclude them from judging the subject as if they knew it, and that such a denomination given to a spiritist fact could have been taken literally, in good faith by some, in ill-faith by the majority.
Our observation is as much founded as we remember having read elsewhere, in a newspaper whose name escapes us, an article in which those who enjoyed the faculty of provoking spiritist phenomena were classified, out of derision, as miracle makers, and that with respect to a very zealous adept who was convinced himself of producing them.
It is the case to recall that there is nothing more dangerous than an imprudent enemy. Our adversaries hastily throw us into ridicule without us giving them any reason for that.

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