The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1859 > September > The Home of a Spiritist Family
The Home of a Spiritist Family

Mrs. G… , widowed three years ago, was left with four children. The oldest son is a seventeen year old kind young man and the youngest a charming six year old girl. This family has been dedicating to Spiritism for a long time and even before this belief had become popular as in our days, having the husband and wife had a kind of intuition developed by a number of events. Mr. G…’s father had appeared to him several times in his youth always to warn about important things and give him useful advices. Similar facts had also taken place with his friends so that the existence beyond the grave was not object of doubt to any of them, as well as the possibility of communication with our beloved ones.

When Spiritism appeared it was only the confirmation of a solid and sanctified idea by the feeling of a clarified religion, since that family is an example of evangelical benevolence and charity. They learned about the most direct means of communication with the new science. The mother and one of the sons became excellent mediums. Far from employing such faculties in futile questions they considered it as a precious gift from the providence, which one could not use but to serious things. Hence, they never practiced it without respect and worship, and always far from the sight of the curious and unwelcome.
In the meantime Mr. G… fell ill. Predicting his near end, he gathered the children and told them:
“My dear children and beloved wife: God calls me to his side. I feel that I am going to leave you soon but I also feel that you will find the strength to withstand such separation with courage in your faith in the immortality, as I am taking with me the consolation that I may always be among you, helping you with my advices. Thus, call me when I am no longer with you. I will come to sit by your side and talk to you, as our ancestors do. In reality we will be less separated than if I had gone to a distant land. My dear wife I leave you with a huge task but the heavier it is the more glorious it will be. I am certain that our children will help you to bear it. Isn’t that true children? You will help your mother; you will avoid anything that may make her suffer; you will always be good and benevolent to all; you will reach out to your unfortunate brothers since you don’t want to have one day to helplessly beg for that yourselves. May the peace, union and concord always reign among you! May material interest never split you apart since material interest is the greatest barrier between Earth and heavens! Think that I will always be with you; that I will see you as I see you now and even better since I will read your thoughts. Thus, don’t make me sad after my death in the same way that you have not done in life.”
The life of that benevolent family is a really inspirational spectacle. Fed by the spiritist ideas those children did not consider themselves separated from their father. To them, he is present. They are afraid of doing the slightest thing that may displease him. They dedicate one evening per week, and sometimes more, to talk to him. However, the daily needs must be provided for, considering that this is not a wealthy family. That is why such blessed conversations are scheduled to a specific day and anxiously expected by all. Several times the little one asks: “Is it today that Dad is coming?” That day is spent among familiar conversations and intelligent instructions, sometimes childish ones, other times grave and sublime. These may be advices about naughty little things that he observes. If, on one side, there is praise, there is no lack of criticism and the naughty one turns the eyes down, as if in the physical presence of their father; asks for his help that sometimes is granted only after a few weeks of trial. His presence is awaited with avid anxiety. What happiness when their father says: “I am pleased with you!” The most terrible sentence is: “I will not come next week.”
The annual party is not forgotten. It is always a solemn day, to which the grandparents and other family members who had passed on are invited, not forgetting a little brother deceased a few years back. The family pictures are adorned with flowers and each child prepares a small essay, sometimes just a traditional salutation. The oldest writes an essay about a serious subject; one of the girls plays a piece of music; the little one tells a story. It is the day of the great communications, and each guest receives a souvenir from the friends left on Earth.
How beautiful are these meetings, in their touching simplicity! How much all that speaks to the heart! How can one leave those gatherings not being saturated by the love of good? Not one look of mockery, not one skeptical smile comes to perturb the devout worship. Some friends who share the same convictions as the family, adepts of the same religion, are the only ones allowed to participate into that feast of love.
You may laugh as much as you want, you who laugh at the most sacred things. However arrogant and tough-hearted you are I don’t believe that your pride may remain impassive and cold before such a spectacle. One day, however, it was a real day of sorrow to that family: the father had announced that he would be away for some time, actually for a long time. He had been assigned to an important mission far from Earth.
The annual party was still celebrated but it was said since the father was not there. When he left he said: “My children, may I find you all worthy of me on my return”, and each one endeavors to be worthy of him. They are still waiting!

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