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Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1866 > June > The Voice of God
The Voice of God
Dictated by the Spirits, Society of Scordia, Sicily
Dictated by the Spirits, Society of Scordia, Sicily
This work contains
Italy has a new Spiritist periodical publication. This is exclusively devoted to the teaching of the Spirits. The first number indeed contains only mediumistic productions, including even the preface and the preliminary speech. Here is the list of topics covered in this issue:
Preface, advice given to the Society for the formation of the newspaper. - Preliminary speech, signed Saint Augustine. - Allegory on Spiritism. - Reverberation of the soul. - Forecasts. - Regret of a suffering Spirit, interview. - Work. - The death of Christ. - Collective prayer. Answer to a proposed question.
All these communications bear an incontestable seal of superiority from the point of view of morality and the elevation of thoughts. This can be judged by the one on Labor that we publish above.
The Spirits will therefore have their journal, and there will certainly not be lack of contributors; but, as with the incarnate, there are Spirits of all degrees of merit; We are counting on the judgment of the editors to make a rigorous choice among these productions from beyond the grave, which can only gain in clarity and interest, if, according to the circumstances, are accompanied by a few comments.
Italy has a new Spiritist periodical publication. This is exclusively devoted to the teaching of the Spirits. The first number indeed contains only mediumistic productions, including even the preface and the preliminary speech. Here is the list of topics covered in this issue:
Preface, advice given to the Society for the formation of the newspaper. - Preliminary speech, signed Saint Augustine. - Allegory on Spiritism. - Reverberation of the soul. - Forecasts. - Regret of a suffering Spirit, interview. - Work. - The death of Christ. - Collective prayer. Answer to a proposed question.
All these communications bear an incontestable seal of superiority from the point of view of morality and the elevation of thoughts. This can be judged by the one on Labor that we publish above.
The Spirits will therefore have their journal, and there will certainly not be lack of contributors; but, as with the incarnate, there are Spirits of all degrees of merit; We are counting on the judgment of the editors to make a rigorous choice among these productions from beyond the grave, which can only gain in clarity and interest, if, according to the circumstances, are accompanied by a few comments.