Greetings from Last YearFollowing their request we take the opportunity to provide some general advices. The Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, founded by us, not only judged it useful to everybody thus suggesting to have these advices published in The Spiritist Review, but also voted to have it printed in a separate brochure to be distributed to all members.
All those who have kindly written to us share the feeling of reciprocity that we express in the response and that are addressed, without exception, to all French and foreign Spiritists who honor us with the title of their chief and guide on the new path that opens before them.
We do not address only those who have sent their good wishes over the New Year but to everyone that permanently gives us touching demonstrations of their recognition for the happiness and consolation found in Spiritism, reporting their sufferings and struggles to support its propagati .
Finally, to all of those to whom our work does any good in the progressive march of Spiritism.
Response to the New Year’s Message from the Spiritists of Lyon
The collective message that you kindly sent me over the New Year has brought me great satisfaction, demonstrating that you have kept a good memory of me. However, what gave me an even greater pleasure out of your spontaneous act was to find representatives of almost every group among the signatures, since this is a sign of reigning harmony among them. I am happy for you for having understood the objective of that organization whose results you can already appreciate, for it is now evident to you that a single society would have been almost impossible.
I thank you, dear friends, for your good wishes. They are even more valued since I know that they come from the bottom of your hearts, and those are the ones heard by God. You must rejoice because God hears you every day by giving me the unprecedented joy over the establishment of a new doctrine, of seeing the Doctrine, which I devoted, grow and prosper in my days, with a wonderful speed. I see as a great favor from the heavens to be able to observe the good that it does. Such certainty where I receive daily testimonies pays me much more than my penalties and fatigue. I only ask God for the grace of giving me the necessary physical strength to carry on with my duties to the end, a task that is far from being accomplished. Regardless of what happens I shall always have the assurance that the now widely spread seed of the new ideas is imperishable. I feel happier than others who only worked for the future while I was given the opportunity to see the first fruits.
If there is anything to regret is the limitation of my financial resources that do not allow me to execute my plans for its faster development. If God’s wisdom wished it to be different I shall leave this plan to my successors who will undoubtedly be more fortunate. Despite the strong limitation of material resources the movement of opinion that takes place goes beyond any expectation. You may believe brothers that your example has contributed to this.
I congratulate you for the way you understand and practice Spiritism. I know well the magnitude of the trials that some of you have to endure. Here on Earth it is only God that can show you their term. However, how much strength against adversity we get out of our faith in the future? Oh! Be sorry for those who believe in nothing after death since for them there is no compensation for the present evil. The unfortunate non-believer is like the hopeless patient. The Spiritist, on the contrary, is like the patient of today that is certain of a cure tomorrow.
You asked me to keep up with my advices. I gladly do so to those who ask and believe to need them. But only to those. To the others who believe to know enough and that dismiss the lessons of experience I have nothing to say but my wishes that one day they may not regret for having excessively trusted their own strengths. As a matter of fact, such pretension reveals a sentiment of pride that is contrary to the message of Spiritism. Through faulty foundations they demonstrate to be away from the truth. You are not among them, my friends, therefore I take the opportunity to bring you a few words of assurance that near or far away I am all yours.
From where we stand today and considering the march of Spiritism through a path full of obstacles that were laid down on its course, one can say that the major difficulties were overcome. Spiritism now has a place under the Sun and it is founded on bases that from now on challenge the efforts of its adversaries.
The question is how a doctrine that makes people better and happier can find adversaries. This is very natural. In the beginning the establishment of the best things always harm other interests. Hasn’t that be so with all inventions and discoveries that revolutionize industry? Those who are now considered a benefit and that we cannot go without, haven’t they found bloodthirsty adversaries? Doesn’t every law that suppresses abuse find adversaries in those who live on the abuse? How would you then wish that a doctrine that leads to the kingdom of effective charity were not attacked by those who live on selfishness? And you know how large the number is on Earth! In the beginning they thought they could kill it through mockery. Today they see that such a weapon is harmless and that it continued with its unyielding march under the crossfire of sarcasm. Do not think that they have conceded! No, the material interest is more tenacious. Since they acknowledge that it is a more deserving power they will now throw more serious attacks that in turn will serve to better expose their weaknesses. Some will openly attack it in their words and actions and even persecute the followers individually, trying to discourage them by their intrigues, whereas others, more disguised and through indirect ways, will try to undermine them in the shadows. Be warned: the fight is not over. I am convinced that they will try a last resort. Have no fear, though, for the flag of success is in this adage that is that of every true Spiritist: There is no salvation without charity. Raise that flag way up high because to the selfish ones it is the head of Medusa.
The tactics presently used by the enemies of the Spiritists and that will be employed with a renewed fervor is that of trying to divide them, creating divergent systems, giving rise to mistrust and jealousy among them. Do not allow yourselves to fall into that trap and rest assured that regardless of the employed means whoever tries to break the good harmony cannot have good intentions. That is why I warn you to keep the strictest circumspection over the formation of your groups, not only to give you peace of mind but also for the benefit of your own works.
The very nature of the Spiritist works requires calmness and reverence. Well, that is not possible if discussions and expressions of bad feelings distract us. If there is fraternity there will not be malevolent feelings but fraternity is not possible with selfish, proud and ambitious people. The proud ones are shocked and hurt by everything; the ambitious are disenchanted when they do not have supremacy; the selfish who only think of themselves will soon introduce disagreement. With all that comes rupture. This is what our enemies wanted and that is what they will try.
If a group wants to have order, tranquility and stability it is necessary to be governed by an overwhelmingly fraternal feeling. Any group or society that is not formed on the foundation of effective charity will not have vitality; however, those formed according to the true spirit of Spiritism will see one another as members of the same family just living in different homes. Rivalry would be nonsense among them since it could not exist where there is true charity and charity cannot be understood in two different ways.
Hence, you must recognize the true Spiritist by the practice of charity in thoughts, words and actions and say to yourself that anyone who feeds in one’s heart feelings of animosity, grudge, hatred, envy and jealousy is in fact lying to oneself if willing to understand and practice Spiritism.
Selfishness and pride kill private societies as they kill people and society as a whole. Review history and you will see that peoples have succumbed under the weight of these enemies of human happiness. Such happiness will be unbreakable when supported by the foundations of charity and everyone with be at peace with oneself and with one another, each one respecting their neighbors’ properties and rights. That shall be the new foreseen era of which Spiritism is a precursor and for which every Spiritist must work, each one in their own sphere of activities. It is their duty. They shall be rewarded according to their performance and God will distinguish between those who only seek Spiritism for their own satisfaction and the ones who also work for the happiness of their brothers.
I must still point out another ploy of your adversaries that is to try to compromise the Spiritists by trying to keep them away from the true moral objective of Spiritism. They do this through the discussion of matters that are not of its competence thus understandably entailing susceptibilities and mistrust.
Do not allow yourselves to fall into that trap. Carefully keep away from your meetings everything related to politics and controversial matters. Discussions about these themes can only create embarrassment whereas there is nothing to object to a good moral.
Seek in Spiritism what can make you better. That is the essence. When humanity is better the really useful social reforms will follow as a natural consequence. Working towards the moral progress you will be paving the way with the solid foundations to every improvement. Let God decide about the right time for that to happen. In the interest of the still young but fast maturing Spiritism you must build an unshakable fortress against anyone who wishes to drag you along a dangerous route. Some try to discredit Spiritism with the argument that it tends to destroy religion. You are very much aware of the opposite, since most of you hardly believed in God and in the soul and now believe. Those who barely knew what the prayer was now pray with enthusiasm. Those who no longer set foot in churches and now show reverence. As a matter of fact if religion could be destroyed by Spiritism it would mean that religion would be destructible and Spiritism more powerful. By saying so it would be the same as confessing the weakness of one and the strength of the other. Spiritism is a moral doctrine that strengthens religious feelings in general and applies to all religions. It belongs to all of them and to none in particular. For that reason Spiritism does not ask anyone to change his or her religion. Allows everyone to worship God their own way and observe those practices that satisfy their conscience since God gives more attention to the intention than to fact. Each person must attend the temple of their cult, thus demonstrating that it is a calumny when they call you wicked.
Given the physical impossibility of communicating with every group I have asked one of your colleagues to represent me more specifically in Lyon as I have done elsewhere: that person is Mr. Villon whose dedication and enthusiasm are well known as well as the purity of his feelings. Besides, his independent position gives him more freedom to carry out his tasks. It is hard work but he will not yield. I sponsored the group formed in his house during my last trip. You can find there excellent advices and healthy examples. It will be a great satisfaction to see those of you who give me the honor of your trust to gather around him, like in a common center.
If some want to form a separate group do not look at them with prejudice. If stones are thrown at you neither collect nor return them. God shall be the judge of everyone’s feelings. May those who believe to be the better side to prove that with more charity and abnegation of their own self-esteem for truth could not be on the side of anyone who had forgotten the first precept of the Doctrine. When in doubt, do good always. The errors of the mind have less weight in the scale of God than those of the heart.
I will repeat here what I have already said on other occasions: in the case of divergence of opinion the easiest way of resolving the issue is to verify which gathers the majority since the crowds have a kind of unmistaken innate common sense. The error only seduces some Spirits who are blind by their self-love and a false judgment but truth always prevails. Therefore, rest assured that the error defects the enlightening rows and that it is irrational to believe that one is right against everyone else’s opinion. If the principles that I profess had only found isolated echoes and had the majority repelled them, I would have been the first to acknowledge my mistake. However, when I see the number of followers grow incessantly in all layers of society and in all countries of the world I must then believe in the sturdiness of its foundations. That is why I tell you to firmly march on the path that has been delineated to you. Tell the adversaries that if they want your support they must offer you a more reassuring doctrine, more clear and intelligible, that better satisfy reason, and at the same time that provides society with a better guarantee to the social order. Your union is the strength that will frustrate the attacks of those who wish to have you divided. Finally, demonstrate by your example that Spiritism makes us more moderate, kinder, more patient, more indulgent, and that will be the best answer to the adversaries and at the same time the confirmation of the benevolent results is the best means of propaganda.
These are, my friends, the advices I have to give you, adding my good wishes for the New Year. I ignore the trials that God prepares for this year but I know that regardless you shall withstand them with determination and resignation, and like with the soldier, the reward will be proportional to the courage.
As for Spiritism that deserves more attention than that given to yourselves and whose progress I can judge better than anybody else, given my position, I am glad to tell you that the year begins with the most favorable auspices and that the number of followers will undoubtedly be seen rise at an unpredictable rate. A few more years like the ones that have just past and Spiritism will count on three quarters of the population.
Let me tell you about one fact amongst thousands.
In the vicinity of Paris there is a small town that only got to know Spiritism six months ago. In just a few weeks it reached a considerable development. A formidable opposition was soon organized against the followers even threatening their personal interests. They fought back with such a courage and abnegation worthy of the highest praises. They gave themselves in to the Providence that, in turn, has not failed them. The town counts on a large working class population where the Spiritist ideas spread day by day thanks to the opposition that has been found. An interesting fact is that the women waited for their annual bonus to acquire the books necessary to their instruction and one book seller had to send hundreds of those books to that city alone. Isn’t that amazing to see simple workers using their savings for the acquisition of books of philosophy and moral instead of novels and sundries? Isn’t it amazing, as well, to see men favoring such readings instead of the noisy and brutalizing pleasures of the cabarets? Ah! Fact is that men and women that suffer like we do now understand that it is not here that we realize our destiny. The curtains now open and they foresee the magnificent horizons of the future. That little town is Chauny, Aisne County. As the new children of the great family they salute you, brothers of Lyon, as their elder brothers and from now on they form one of the rings of the spiritual chain that units Paris, Lyon, Metz, Sens, Bordeaux and others and that soon will interconnect every city of the world by a feeling of mutual fraternity since Spiritism has sown fruitful seeds everywhere and their children hold hands above the barriers of prejudice of sect, cast and nationality.
Yours truly dedicated brother and friend,
Allan Kardec
Is Spiritism Proven by Miracles?
“All those who received God given missions of teaching the truth to humanity have given demonstrations of their mission through miracles. Which miracles demonstrate the truth of your teachings?”
This is not the first time that such a question is addressed to us or other Spiritists. As it seems people give great importance to that and the solution may be the sentence that must condemn or acquit Spiritism. In this case, we must acknowledge that our situation is critical, like the poor man without a nickel facing the following: “The wallet or your life”. Thus, we humbly confess the absence of the most insignificant miracle to offer. Even more so, Spiritism is not supported by any miraculous fact. Its followers have not made or do not have the pretension of making any miracle; they do not consider themselves worthy of having God changing the eternal course of things by their request.
A given fact is or isn’t real? That is the question. Now, if a fact is admitted to be true than there is nothing miraculous about it. Manifestations, like visions, apparitions and others, have taken place at all times. This is demonstrated by religious and profane historians and found in books of every religion. Now that the causes are known, however, that they are produced by certain laws, it is also known that they lack the essential character of miraculous events – that of exception to common laws.
Observed in our days more carefully than in ancient times; observed particularly without prevention and with the support of meticulous investigations as much detailed as those carried out during scientific studies, such manifestations demonstrate irrefutably the existence of an intelligent principle beyond matter; its survival to the body; its individuality after death; its immortality; its fortunate or unfortunate future and consequently the basis of every religion.
If the truth was proven only by miracles, one might ask why have the priests of Egypt, who were in error, reproduced before the Pharaoh the miracles of Moses? Why did Apollonius of Tyana, who was a pagan cured by the touch, gave sight to the blind, provided the spoken word to the dumb, predicted the future and was able to see things that happened far away? Wasn’t that Jesus himself who said: “False prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders”?
One of our friends was almost instantaneously cured of a very serious and long lasting disease that had resisted every treatment, after saying a truly heartfelt prayer to his protector spirit. To him it was a truly miraculous event. After telling the story to a priest, as he believes in the Spirits, the priest said that the devil could also make miracles. “In that case” – my friend replied – “if this was done by the devil I must be thankful to him.”
Hence, the prodigies and miracles are not an exclusive privilege of the truth considering that the devil himself can do this. Then, how can one distinguish the good from the bad ones? Every idolater religion – no exception to Mohamed’s – is supported by supernatural facts. This demonstrates one thing: that the founders of those religions knew natural secrets that were ignored by the crowds.
Wasn’t Christopher Columbus considered super human by the savages of America for having predicted eclipses? Couldn’t an envoy of God take him? Does God need to undo what has been done just to demonstrate his power? Making something that turns to the left turn to the right?
Wasn’t Galileo more correct by demonstrating the movement of Earth as part of the laws of nature, than those who pretended that by a breach of those laws the Sun had to be stopped? However, we
know the price he had to pay for that, as many others, for having proven a mistake. We say that God is greater by the immutability of the laws than by their breach and if he has done so under determined circumstances this is not the only sign of truth. We refer the reader to our discussion about the subject of supernatural in our January issue.
Let us go back to the proofs of the truths of Spiritism.
There are two things in Spiritism: the fact of the existence of the Spirits and their manifestations and the doctrine that stems out from that. The first point cannot be questioned but by those who have not seen or did not want to see. As for the second point the issue is to know if the doctrine is just or false. It is a matter of appreciation. If the manifestation of the Spirits only took place through noises, movements, in a word through physical effects, this would not prove much since we would not know if they are good or bad.
Something that is characteristic in the phenomenon to the point of convincing the non-believers is the ability to recognize relatives and friends among the Spirits. Nonetheless, how can the Spirits demonstrate their presence and their individuality, allowing the assessment of their traits but by speaking up? It is a known fact that one of the means employed is writing through mediums. As long as they have the means of expressing their ideas they can say whatever they like. They will say things that are more or less good, fair and profound, according to their advancement. By leaving Earth they have not given up their free will. Like every thinking being they have their own opinions and like among us the most advanced give teachings of high moral content and advices impregnated by a profound wisdom. It is the collection and consolidation of those teachings and advices that form the Spiritist Doctrine.
Instead of a divine revelation, take this doctrine as a personal opinion of this or that spirit, if you like, and the question then is to determine if it is good or bad, true or false, rational or illogical. Who should be sought to help you on that? Should it be a single person or a group? No, since they can be mistaken due to their own prejudices, pre-established ideas or even for their personal interests. The only true judge is public opinion because there is no silo of interests and also because the masses have an innate common sense that is not mistaken. A healthy logic tells us that the adoption of an idea or a principle by the general opinion is a demonstration that there is some truth in it.
This is what the Spiritists do not say: “This is a doctrine sent by God himself, revealed to a single man by marvelous means and that must be imposed upon humanity”. On the contrary, here is what they say: “This is a doctrine that is not ours and whose merit is not claimed by us. We adopt it because we consider it rational. You may attribute its origin to whomever you like: God, the Spirits or anybody else. Analyze it. If it is suitable to you, then adopt it. If not, leave it aside.” One cannot be less absolute than this.
Spiritism does not come to encroach any religion. It does not impose itself. It does not come to force the consciences of the Catholics, Protestants or Jews. It presents itself and says: “Adopt me if you find me good.” Are the Spiritists to blame for finding it good? For receiving consolations that make us happy, that dissipates the horrors of the future that silence the anguishes of doubt and give us courage in the present? Spiritism does not address those to whom the Catholic beliefs or others are enough but to those who are not satisfied by those beliefs or whose beliefs have failed them. Spiritism leads them to believe in something and eagerly so, instead of believing in nothing.
Spiritism does not intend to be a separate group. It brings back the stray ones by its own means. If you repel them they shall be forced to stay out. Now say with your heart and conscience if it would be better to have them as atheists.
We are asked about the miracles that support our judgment of a good Spiritist Doctrine. We judge it to be good not only because that is our opinion but the opinion of millions that think like us; because it leads the nonbelievers to believe; because it turn bad persons into good ones; because it gives courage to endure the miseries of life. The speed of its propagation that is a miracle, never seen in the archives of philosophical doctrines; traveling around the world in a few years, rooting in all countries and in all layers of society; having advanced despite everything that was done to preclude its propagation; knocking down opposing barriers and increasing its strength on surpassing them. Can all that be characterize as utopia?
A false idea might find a few followers but its existence will be ephemeral and restricted; it will lose ground instead of conquering it while Spiritism gains instead of losing it. When we see it sprouting everywhere welcomed as a providential benefit it is for the fact that the finger of Providence is there. This is the true miracle – and we find it sufficient to ensure its future. You may say that to your eyes there is no providential character but a devilish one. You have the freedom of choice. And because it moves on that is the essence. The only thing to say is that if something establishes universally by the devil’s power, despite the efforts of those who pretend to act in the name of God, this could lead certain people to believe that the devil is more powerful than the Providence.
You ask for miracles. Here is what one of our correspondents from Algeria sends us:
“Mr. P…, former officer, was one of the toughest nonbelievers. He had the fanaticism of the irreligion and before Proudhon4 he used to say: ‘God is evil’ or put differently he never admitted any god. He only admitted the void. When I saw him coming and looking for yours The Spirits’ Book I thought that he wanted to decorate the reading with some satirical elucubration as he used to do with the priests and even against Christ. It seemed impossible to me that he could be cured of such a resolute atheism. Ah! The Spirits’ Book made such a miracle, though. If you only knew that man as I do you would be proud of your work and you would see this as your greatest success. Everyone is impressed over here. Nonetheless, after being initiated in the word of truth and after having given some thought, is this outcome really a surprise?”
There is no harm in adding that our correspondent is a journalist and that he himself used to support ideas that were not much spiritualists, let alone Spiritists. Has anyone forcibly imposed upon him the belief in God and in the soul? No, that is unlikely. Was he fascinated by some supernatural phenomena? That is not the case either since he has seen no manifestation. All he did was to read, understand and find logical trains of thought that made him believe. Will you say that this one as many others are the works of the devil? If that is so then the devil has an original policy of providing weapons against himself and by letting go those who were already under his clutches. Why haven’t you done such a miracle? Are you less powerful than the devil to make people believe in God?
Another issue, if you allow me:
No doubt.
How about now that he has converted to God by the devil, is he still doomed? Suppose that by believing in God, in his soul, in a happy or unhappy future life and as a consequence of such belief he becomes a better person than he was before and that he does not literally adopt the interpretation of every dogma and that even reject some, is he still doomed? If you say ‘yes’ then the belief in God doesn’t do any good to him. If you say ‘no’ then what becomes of the maxim ‘There is no salvation outside of the Church’? Spiritism says: There is no salvation without charity. Do you believe that the gentleman is undecided between the two? Burnt by one, despite everything, and saved according to the other, the choice does not seem to offer doubts. Like every new idea, it harms certain persons, certain habits, and even certain interests, like the railroads harmed the carriage businesses and those who had fear; like a revolution counters certain opinions; like the press harmed the scribes; like Christianity harmed the interests of pagan priests. However, what to do when with our help or despite us something gets established on its own and it is generally accepted? It is necessary to take sides and like Mohamed says what is must be. What will you do if Spiritism becomes a universal belief? Will you reject all those who accept it?
This will not happen; it cannot be – you may say.
However, and once more, if that is the case what are you going to do? Can such a surge be halted? To achieve that one would need to stop not a person but the Spirits; blocking them from speaking; burn down not a book but the ideas; preclude the mediums from multiplying and from writing.
“Our Curate makes propaganda for us; he used to shout from the pulpit against Spiritism, that it was nothing more than the works of the devil. Now he appointed me as the supreme priest of the Doctrine in our town, something that I sincerely thank him for. He also gives me the chance of discussing the subject with those who had not heard about it yet and want to know what it is about. Now there is an abundance of mediums among us.”
The result is the same everywhere whenever people decide to scream against. The Spiritist idea is now out; it is welcomed because it pleases people; it goes from the palace to the shanty and the effect of future attempts to suffocate the ones that have already been employed may assess it.
To summarize, Spiritism does not claim the action of any miracle in order to be established; it wants to impose no change in the general order of things; it sought and found the cause of certain phenomena wrongly considered supernatural; instead of find support on the supernatural Spiritism repudiates it outright; it addresses heart and reason. Logic has opened up a path to Spiritism. Logic will take it to the end.
This goes for the answer that we owe to the brochure of Mr. Curate Marouzeau.
Let us give the word to the Spirits. Here is the answer obtained through several mediums following the presentation of the question above:
“I wish to talk to you about the reality of the Spiritist Doctrine from the standpoint of the miracles whose absence seems to provide ammunition to our adversaries. The miracles necessary in the early days of humanity to shock the Spirits who needed to submit; the almost totally explained miracles today thanks to the discoveries of physics and other sciences have now become useless
and I say even dangerous since their manifestations would give rise to disbelief and mockery. The kingdom of intelligence has finally arrived although not triumphantly yet but as a trend. What do you want? Would you like to see the wands transformed into snakes again, the handicapped walking and the bread multiplied? No, you will not see that. However, you will see the nonbelievers touched and bending their rusty knees before the altar. Such a miracle is equivalent to the water springing out of the rocks. You will see a devastated person bending over under the weight of gruesome suffering giving away the charged gun and saying: ‘Praise the Lord for your will raises my trials to the level of love that I owe you.’ Finally, you that explain the facts with texts and the spirit with words, you will see the luminous truth established upon the ruins of your rotten mysteries.”
Lazarus, medium Mrs. Costel
“In one of my latest meditation, I believe that it was read here, I demonstrated that humanity is currently progressing. Up until Jesus humanity had a body; it was certainly splendid; it was plentiful of heroic struggles and sublime virtues. Nonetheless, where was its kindness? Where was its benevolence? Antiquity had many examples of that. Read an old poem: where is the gentleness and the tenderness? You can already find that expressed in the almost entirely Christian poem Dido of Virgil, a kind of melancholic heroine that Torquato Tasso or Ludoviko Ariosto would have made interesting in their songs full of Christian joy. Hence, Christ has come to speak to the heart of humanity; but know this, Jesus said it himself, He came in the flesh in the midst of paganism, and He promised to come in the midst of Christianity. Individuals may get their hearts as well as their intelligences educated. The same applies to humanity. Jesus is then the great educator. His resurrection is the symbol of His spiritual fusion with everyone and you have just started to feel that fusion, the expansion of Himself. Jesus is not coming back to make miracles. He comes to speak directly to the hearts instead of speaking to the senses. He walked passed those who wished a miracle from heavens and a few steps ahead He improvised the magnificent sermon on the mountain. Christ therefore responds to those who still demand miracles and in the name of every wise and enlightened spirit: ‘Do you believe more in your eyes, in your ears and on your hands than in your heart? My ulcers are now healed; the lamb has been sacrificed; the flesh slaughtered; materialism saw it; it is now time for the spirit. I leave the false prophets; I do not introduce myself to the powerful of Earth, like Simon Magus the sorcerer but I come to those who are really thirsty; to those really hungry; to those who suffer in their hearts and not to the non-spiritualist that in fact are the true and pure materialists.’”
Lamennais, medium Mr. A. Didier
“We are asked about our miracles. It seems to me that for some time now the proofs are well evident. The progress of the human spirit has changed the face of the civilized world. Everything has advanced and those who wish to stay behind that movement are like the outcast of the new society. Given the society readiness for the events it still lacks anything that may shock reason and bring enlightenment. It is possible that at certain times God may find it useful to communicate through superior minds like in the case of Moses and others. Those great persons mark great times but the spirit of the people progressed later on. The greatest figures of God chosen envoys were like miraculous legends. Then a simple fact becomes wonderful before the sensitive crowds, ready
for emotions that only Mother Nature can bring to its ignorant children. But do you need miracles today? Everything is transformed around you. Science, Philosophy and the industry have developed all that surrounds you. Do you believe that we, the Spirits, have not taken part into those profound changes? By studying and discussing the matter you can learn better. The miracles are no longer of your time and you must overcome the tradition like prejudices stored in your memories. We will always give you the truth and our support. We enlighten you so that you become better and stronger. Love and believe and the aspired miracle shall happen on you. Through the knowledge and better understanding of the objective of this life you shall be transformed without any physical phenomena.”
“Try to touch the truth and the truth will surround and penetrate you. Hence, trust your own strength and the God of goodness that gave you the spirit will give you a formidable power. Through God you will clear the paths of your clouded intelligence and you will understand that the spirit is immortality and power. Once in touch with this divine law of progress you will no longer seek the prestige of the renowned people to give you answers and arguments against Spiritism, this true revelation, this new faith and new science that reassures and strengthens.”
Baluze, medium Mr. Leymarie
“Miracles are demanded as proof of the Spiritist Doctrine. And who is the one that requests such a proof of the truth? It is the one who should believe and teach in the first place…”
“The greatest of all miracles shall take place soon. Listen, Catholic priests. You want miracles and there you have them… The cross of Christ was crumbling before the blows of materialism, of the indifference and egotism; now you see it beautifully re-erected, shiny and sustained by Spiritism! Tell me something: isn’t that the greatest miracle of all to see it erected again, surrounded by hope and charity?”
“ – Truly, priests of the Church, see and believe. The miracles surround you! How would you call this common return to the unblemished and pure belief in the Gospels, through which all philosophies will be connected to Spiritism? Spiritism shall be the glory and the focus that will illuminate the universe. Oh! The miracle will then be real and dazzling since there will be only one family down here.”
“You want miracles! See this poor and starving woman? She trembles in her shanty! The breath that she intends to use to warm up her starving children is colder and more glacial than the wind that penetrates the miserable shelter. Why so much calmness and serenity in her face before such a misery? Ah! She saw a shining star above her head; a celestial light sheds upon her refuge; she cries no more; she waits! She doesn’t curse but only asks God to give her courage to withstand the trial! And there comes charity through the open doors of the hut, bringing over its benefactor hand!”
“Which doctrine will give more support and stimulus to the heart? Christianity planted the flag of equality on Earth and Spiritism raises the flag of fraternity! That is the most heavenly and divine miracle that could happen! Priests, sometimes bearing sacrileges on your own hands, you must not ask for physical miracles for your heads may be shattered on the very stones that you step over to reach the altar!
“No, Spiritism is not attached to physical phenomena; it is not founded on miracles that speak to the eyes, but it gives faith to the hearts. Tell me, isn’t that even the greatest miracle?”
Saint Augustine, medium Mr. Vézy.
NOTE: o have stained the sanctuary, like Verger and others.
The Wind (Spiritist Fable)
indifferent. Allan Kardec
“The hurricane wished to dominate the plains, And through its impetuous claims,
Its warm breath tortures a century old Elm tree, its trunk huge, knotted and bold.
From its fecund branches – it said – it would sow And seeds would sprout, germinate and grow;
A struggle is foreseen when I look forth Full of obstacles to my great strength. The little green plumes vacillating
Before the swings of the storm, defoliating, Lost in the air, in a fast muddle.
The seeds, however, flee the trouble, Escaping the blow that sweeps away their path. And despite the odds they fixate on the earth. Against the laws of love, science, the robustness That spreads Spiritism – the tree of truthfulness,
The wind of incredulity Blows, howls, and harms incessantly.
It gives rise and grows what it intends to repress: It wants to free the germ… and helps its progress.
C. Dombre (from Marmande)
Reincarnation in America
They wanted Spiritism to appear in a country that provided absolute freedom of opinion. Their essential point was to have the principle accepted and consequently they did not want to be disturbed by anything else. The same did not happen with respect to the consequences, particularly the reincarnation that would have clashed against the prejudices of slavery and color. The idea that a black person could become white, a white person could have been black, and a master could have been a slave seemed so monstrous that it would be sufficient to have all the rest rejected. Hence, the Spirits preferred to momentarily sacrifice the accessory to the main part and have always told us that a unity would be later established about that point as others as well. In fact this is what is happening. We heard from several citizens of that country that such doctrine now finds many followers there; that certain Spirits have now confirmed it, after having previously given some insight into the matter. Here is what Mr. Fleury Lacroix, an American citizen, sent us from Montreal, Canada:
“…The issue of reincarnation that you were first wanting to openly promote has taken us by surprise over here. We are now reconciled with that extension of your thoughts. Everything has become clear through this new clarity and we now see our future much more broadened in our eternal journey. However, it seemed absurd to us, as I said in the beginning. We deny today and believe tomorrow – such is humanity. Fortunate are the ones who wish to learn because they see light; unfortunate are the others who remain in darkness.”
Thus, it was logic and the power of reasoning that led them to that doctrine since it gave them the only key capable of solving problems, which up until then were unsolvable. Our honorable correspondent, however, is mistaken with respect to one important point by attributing to us the initiative of that doctrine that he calls the daughter of our thoughts. It is an undeserved honor since the reincarnation was taught to others by the Spirits and before the publication of The Spirits’ Book.
Furthermore, the principle was clearly exposed in several other prior works, besides ours, at the time of the turning tables, like among others in the Heavens and Earth by Jean Reynaud and in the fascinating little book by Mr. Louis Jourdan entitled Prayers of Ludovico, published in 1849, not to mention that this principle was professed by the Druids who have not certainly learned from us.5 When it was revealed to us, we were caught by surprise and received it with hesitation and mistrust. We even fought against it for some time until evidence demonstrated it to us. Hence, we accepted rather than invented it and that is very different.
5 See the April 1858 issue of The Spiritist Review, article about Spiritism among the Druids and the Triads.
This answers the objection of one of our subscribers from Angers, Mr. Salgues, a confessed adversary of reincarnation, who seems to think that both the Spirits and mediums that teach it suffer our influence and since the Spirits that communicate with him teach the opposite. In fact Mr. Salgues makes special allegations against reincarnation that we will one day examine in detail. While we wait we observe a fact: the number of believers grow incessantly whereas the number of opponents decreases. If that is the result of our influence it must be huge since it extends to America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. If the contrary opinion is true, how come it does not prevail? Is the mistake more powerful than the truth?
New American Mediums in Paris
For many people Mr. Squire was simply called American medium, a charlatan that used to travel around towns and fairs some years ago, making presentations and announcing himself as an American medium, although he was perfectly French. We have just received two others now that only have the names of mediums and that we would not have mentioned here since their art is strange to our matters but their arrival was announced with a fuss and caused a certain sensation, given the nature of their pretensions. To the benefit of our readers and to avoid been charged with partiality, we fully transcribe below the text of their flyer that has inundated Paris.
“Fun in the Parisian salons – novelty, nothing more than novelty!!! Family soirees and private sessions given by the American Mediums, Mr. C. Edwards Girroodd, from Kingstown, Lake Ontario, and Mrs. Julia Girroodd, nicknamed by the English and American press as the Graceful Sensitive.”
“An album of more than 200 pages containing compliments from the greatest dignitaries of France, from nobility, magistrates, army and literature, as well as from sixteen archbishops and bishops of France and from a large number of ecclesiasts of elevated distinction, available to persons who would like to throw soirees but who wish to carry out a previous examination of the good taste, richness and novelty of the experiences.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Girroodd, the only one to carry out the experiences in France, spent only three months in Paris and provided forty two sessions in the top notch salons of Paris and in the Tuileries on May 12th 1861, as well as in the house of several members of the Imperial family.”
“They immediately placed the experiences well above anything that they could have seen before as entertainment in get-togethers. Their magic tricks, contrary to the habit of Mr. Physicists, does not required any preparation or special arrangement and the artists easily operate amidst a circle of attentive spectators unafraid of seeing their illusion destroyed.”
“The magic acts are only a tiny part of their varied talents. The world of the Spirits obey their commandments: Visions – Ecstasy – Fascination – Magnetism – Electro Biology – Rapping Spirits
– Spiritism, etc. everything that science and charlatanism invented and that stupefy the believers of our days, even giving them a robust faith in everything that is nothing but charlatanism, where are inadvertently accomplices. In one word, Mr. and Mrs. Girroodd after having shown themselves as witches – but high class witches – wise like Merlin, the enchanter, will demonstrate the secrets of their science, if needed.”
“Christian faith can only gain from the clear demonstration that everything that was not taught by that faith is nothing but brilliant charlatanism. For the little meetings or soirees with the children Mr. Girroodd hired the most skilled Physicists from the capital city and a nicknamed
The Man of the Talking Dolls who will give sessions at a reduced price.”
As one can see the couple’s pretension is not but that of destroying Spiritism posing as the defenders of the Christian faith that no doubt is much surprised by finding deception at its service. This, however, can expand a certain clientele.
They pretend to be mediums and are not careful enough to omit the title of Americans, an indispensable passport, like the names ended by the letter “i” to the musicians, and that to demonstrate that mediums do not exist since – they say – they can be reproduced with support of some skills, mechanics and some particular means that allow them to do everything done by the mediums.
All this demonstrates one thing: the fact that everything can be imitated. Illusion is a matter of skill set. Nevertheless, just because something can be imitated does not mean that it does not exist? If trickery imitated lucid somnambulism in order to deceive, should one conclude that there is no somnambulist? Fake copies of Raphael were made and taken by originals. Was Raphael an illusion? Mr. Robert-Houdin changes water into wine; he takes thousands of objects out from a hat and fills up a big box with them. Does it harm the miracle of Cana and the multiplication of bread? He does better, however, than just transforming water into wine for he produces half a dozen of delicious liqueurs from a single bottle.
All physical manifestations are wonderfully prone to imitation and these are the ones exploited by the charlatans. They do much better than the Spirits, particularly in the case of transportation, since these are produced at will and whenever they wish to do so, something that cannot be done by the Spirits or the best mediums.
As a matter of fact, justice must be done to that gentleman and that lady once they do not intend to deceive the public. They do not pretend to be what they are not. They present themselves as skillful conjurers and that is more commendable than those who pretend to be mediums and even more respectable than the true mediums that add trickery to reality in order to produce more effects and win over competition. It is true that openness is eventually politically correct but trying to demonstrate through deception that the mediums are conjurers has a touch of novelty that will be abundantly compensated by curiosity.
As we said, their skills cannot prejudge the reality of the phenomena. Far from causing any harm, it will be of great utility. To begin, it will be another trumpet calling people’s attention to Spiritism, people who have not heard about it. As with every criticism, they will be willing to see the pros and cons. The result of the comparison is undisputable. An even greater utility is that of preventing fraud and subterfuge from the part of false mediums; demonstrating the possibility of imitation to those who risk ruining its credit.
If there could be something wrong found in their skills set so as to easily identify if they were true mediums. Unfortunately they are on the other side of the Atlantic and hence we do not have the privilege of observing Mr. and Mrs. Girroodd. If we can one day attend one of their sessions it will be a pleasure to inform our readers.
When we say that everything can be imitated we must take exception for the really normal conditions in which the Spiritist manifestations can be produced, hence one can say that every phenomenon that does not respect those conditions, must be considered suspicious. Now, in order to carefully judge something one needs to study it. The intelligent manifestations themselves are not exempt from charlatanism. There are some manifestations that, given their own nature and the circumstances in which they are produced, challenge the most established skill of imitation. As an example, the evocation of the dead who reveal details of their private lives that are unknown to the mediums and to the audience. Add to this the fact that these are dissertations, consisting of many pages, written in a surge, spotless, speedily, with eloquence, profundity, wisdom and sublimity of thoughts about certain subjects, are beyond the capacity, knowledge and understanding of the medium.
To achieve such a result one would need an omnipotent individual. Well, these type of individuals are rare and do not give public showings. This is, however, what is seen every day not by a privileged individual but by thousands of individuals of all ages, sex, social condition, education and whose honorability and absolute altruism are the best guarantee of honesty since charlatanism does not give anything for free. If Mr. and Mrs. Girroodd wanted to accept any challenge from us it would be on these terms; we would gladly leave the physical manifestations to them.
NOTE: A supposedly well informed person tell us that the name Edwards Girroodd must be translated Ontario replaced by Saint-Flour, Cantal (France).
Fund-Raising on behalf of the Workers of Lyon
A letter from Lyon addressed to Mr. Allan Kardec informs that an anonymous Spiritist has just sent them directly the amount of 500 francs. May this generous benefactor, whose anonymity we respect, receive the gratitude of all members of the Society!
A spirit known by the characteristic and graceful name of Cárita and whose mission seems to be to stimulate beneficence towards the needy dictated the letter below that was sent to us from Lyon. Like us, the readers will also place it among the nicest productions from beyond the grave. May that letter awaken in all Spiritists their sympathy towards their suffering fellow human beings! The same seal of goodness and simplicity marks every work of Cárita. Once evoked at the Parisian Society she said to have been Saint Irene, the empress.
To the Parisian Spiritists who sent 500 francs to the poor of Lyon, thank you!
“Thank You! You with your generous heart were able to understand our appeal, and who have come to the aid of your unfortunate brethren. Thank you! Your offering will heal many wounds and alleviate much suffering. Thank you! You guessed that this golden fruit that you sent will be able to temporarily appease hunger and light up long ago extinct fire places.”
“Thank you! Specifically because you were able to disguise the good deed under the cover of anonymity. However, if you disguised the generous thought of being useful to your fellow human beings, like the violet occult under the leaves, there is a Lord from whom your hearts cannot keep any secret and who knows the origin of this beneficent drizzle that came to invigorate more than one overheated mind, keeping misery away from the dreaded poor mothers.”
“God, who sees everything, knows the secret of the anonymous and will compensate those who had the inspiration of helping the poor victims of circumstances beyond their control. God, my friends, likes that incense that comes out of your hearts and that also practices charity and sympathizes with the pain of others. He appreciates, above all, this devotion and this abnegation that goes shy before any portentous recognition, preferring to shelter its modesty underneath simple initials. But God has attached every blessing to the name of the benefactor because, as everyone knows, the outpouring of joy experienced by rescued hearts reaches God and as he sees those transports of joy resulting from your help he annotates the appropriate reward in the big ledger of the spirit.”
“If you could hear those kind emotions, those timid notes of sympathy issued by the miserable ones when receiving the two cents, a celestial manna falling onto their shanties; if you could hear the child’s screams who do not understand that the bread is safe for a few days, you would feel happy and say: ‘Charity is kind and deserves to be practiced’. As you see, one does not need much to convert tears into happiness, particularly at the house of the worker who is not much used to frequent visits of happiness. If the poor ant that moves from breadcrumb to breadcrumb suddenly finds the whole loaf on its way, at the very moment when it was hopeless with respect to feeding its family, such a fortune seems so much incomprehensible that it only mumbles a few loose words followed by tears of tenderness.”
“Therefore, my friends, help these poor workers who’s sole hope is death in a hospital bed or beggary in the streets. Do it as much as you can so that when you are reunited by God, following the great avenue that leads to the great portal whose frontispiece holds the words Love and Charity, reuniting the benefactors and the benefited God tells you all: ‘You learned to give. You were happy for receiving. Come in! May the guiding charity that drove you here introduce you to the world that I reserve to those who stand for this flag: ‘Love one another.’
OBSERVATION: Who would believe that these words were dictate In any case, if it is the devil that guides us to charity there is no harm in doing that.
Spiritist Teachings and Dissertations
FaithI am big and strong. The one who carries me is fearless of fire and chains since charity is a shield to every physical and moral suffering. I radiate upon you like a sun whose shiny beams reflect out from the bottom of your hearts and I transfer life and strength to you. They say that I transport mountains but here is what I say: I come to elevate the world since Spiritism is the lever that will help me. Join me. I invite you. I am Faith.
I am Faith! I live with Hope, Charity and Love in the world of the pure Spirits. I have many times left the ethereal regions and come to Earth to regenerate you, giving you the life of the spirit. However, apart from the martyrs of the old days of Christianity and some eager sacrifices from time to time, apart from the progress of science, literature, industry and freedom, I have not found but indifference and neglect at the heart of humanity, thus I have sadly returned to heavens. You believe that I am among you but you are mistaken since Faith without actions is a simulacrum of Faith. True Faith is life and action.
Before the revelation of Spiritism life was barren, I was a tree dried out by light that produced no fruit. Through my actions, enlighten intelligences, and strengthen hearts, I send deceiving influences away and lead you to God through the perfection of the spirit and the heart. Come to stand before my flag. I am strong and powerful. I am Faith.
I am Faith and my kingdom starts with humanity, a peaceful kingdom that will make them happy now and throughout eternity. The dawn of my arrival is pure and serene. Its Sun will be resplendent and Faith will kindly set by embracing humanity in eternal happiness.
Spiritism! Cast upon humanity your regenerative baptism. I beg you. I am Faith.”
Georges, Bishop of Périgueux.
It is I coming out of the songs of the nightingales, relaying in the echoes of the forests those tearful and scored notes that make you dream of heavens. It is me who inspire the swallow to warm up their loved ones at the shelter of your homes; it is me caressing your hair in the quick drafts of wind; it is me spreading at your feet the subtle perfume of flower from your gardens; and you almost never think of me! Do not reject me: it is Hope!
I take all forms to come close to you: I am the star in the sky; the warmth of the beam of light that gives life to you; I cradle your smiley dreams at night; I send your somber worries and thoughts away; I guide your steps towards the virtuous path; I follow you when you visit the poor, the miserable, those in suffering, inspiring in you kind and reassuring words. Do not reject me. I am Hope.
I am Hope! It is I that, in the winter grow the thick moss on the oak tree allowing the birds to build their nests; it is I that crown the apple and the almond tree with white and pink flowers in the spring, spreading them on the ground like a celestial rug, leading to the aspiration of happy worlds. I am with you particularly when you are poor and in suffering and my voice resonates incessantly in your ears. Do not reject me. I am Hope.
Do not reject me because the angel of despair fights a cruel battle against me, struggling in vain efforts to take my place by your side. I am not always the stronger side and when it is successful in keeping me away it surrounds you with its deadly wings; it veers your thoughts off God, leading you to suicide. Join me to keep its dismal influence away, allowing yourself to be gently cradled in my arms for I am Hope.”
Felicia, medium’s daughter
Follow me. I know every disgrace, every pain, every suffering, and every affliction that harass humanity. I am the mother of the orphans, the daughter of the old ones, the protector and support of the widows. I cure the infected ulcers; I treat every ill person; I dress, feed and shelter those who have nothing; I visit the humblest shanty and the most miserable huts; I knock at the door of the rich and powerful for wherever there is a human being there is excruciating and bitter pain under the mask of happiness. Oh! How overwhelming is my mission! I will not be able to accomplish that if I do not have your support. Come to me. I am Charity.
I prefer no one. I never tell those who need me: ‘Go somewhere else. I have my own poor.’ Oh! False charity, how much harm you do! Friends, we owe one another. Believe me. Deny assistance to no one. Help one another with enough altruism to not expect recognition from the part of those that you have helped. Peace in one’s heart and in one’s conscience is the gentle award of my works: I am the true Charity.
Nobody knows on Earth the amount and the nature of my benefits. It is only false charity that hurts and humiliates the benefited ones. Avoid such dismal deviation. Actions of that kind have no merit before God and attract his wrath. It is only God that must know the generous impulses of your hearts when you become the dispensers of God’s benefits. Hence, my friends, refrain from giving publicity to your mutual assistance; no longer give it the name alms; believe me: I am Charity.
I have so much pain and suffering to alleviate that sometimes my hands are empty. I come to tell you that I am waiting for you. Spiritism holds the flag of Love and Charity and every true Spiritist wants to comply with this sublime precept taught by Jesus Christ eighteen centuries ago. Therefore, follow me brothers and I will lead you to the Kingdom of God, our father. I am Charity.”
Adolph, Bishop of Alger.
Instructions given by our Guides about the three communications above
Hence you can attribute the communication about faith to the spirit of Georges; about hope to Felicia, finding there the poetic style that she had in life; and charity to Mr. Dupuch, Bishop of Alger and one of its eager apostles on Earth.
We still have to handle the issue of charity under another point of view. This will be done in a few days.
Your guides.
Forgetting Humiliation Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mrs. Costel
“My dear, forgetting humiliation is achieving the perfection of the spirit. It was easier for Jesus to forgive the outrage of his Passion than it is for you to forgive the slight mockery. The great soul of the Savior was used for kindness and would not conceive bitterness or vengeance; ours, when hit by little things, forget what is important.
People daily beg for God’s forgiveness that falls upon them like a beneficent drizzle, but their hearts forget that word, incessantly repeated in their prayers. Truly, I tell you: the internal pride corrupts the soul. It is the huge rock that attaches it to the ground, delaying its elevation. When criticized look inside; examine your sinful self, the one that the world ignores; probe its depth and heal your vanity through the recognition of your own misery. If the offense is more serious and reaches your heart be sorry for the unfortunate one who has done that, as you would be for an injured person whose open wound is gushing blood. Someone that annihilates his future deserves compassion.
Jesus met human suffering at the Garden of Olives but he always ignored the roughness of pride and the insignificance of vanity. He incarnated to demonstrate to humanity the type of moral beauty that should serve as their role model. Do not move away from that ever. Work onto your souls as one does with the soft material and transform your clay into an imperishable marble that God, the great sculptor, may sign.”
About Instinct - Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mrs. Costel
Note, however, that instinct is not always bad and humanity eventually owes it sublime inspirations. Examples exist in cases where maternity and certain acts of dedication where safety replaces thoughts. My daughter, your objection is precisely the cause of the error that leads to the downfall of people who are ready to ignore the truth, always absolute in its consequences. Regardless of the good results of a bad cause, the examples must never lead to conclusions that go against premises that were established by reason. Instinct is bad because it is purely human and humanity must think of nothing else but of unloading those instincts and leaving the flesh to elevate the spirit. If evil walks shoulder to shoulder with good it is for the fact that its principle frequently leads to results opposed to itself and that go unnoticed by frivolous and sensation driven people.
Nothing truly good can come out of instinct. This sublime impulse is not devotion as an isolated inspiration is not genius. The true progress of humanity is its struggle and triumph against its very essence. Jesus was sent to Earth to demonstrate that humanely. He unveiled the truth, this beautiful spring hidden under the sand of ignorance. Keep the purity of the divine gift away from your mistakes. Believe me that those who are only good and devout just out of their instincts are bad since they are blindly dominated by something that can suddenly throw them off the cliff.
NOTE: Despite our respect for the spirit of Lazarus who has given us so many beautiful pages we take the liberty of disagreeing with his last propositions. One can say that there are two kinds of instinct: the animal and the moral. The first, as Lazarus says well, is organic; it is given to living beings for their conservation and that of their descendants. It is blind and almost unconscious because the Providence wanted to give a counter weight to its indifference and negligence. The same does not apply to the moral instinct that is a privilege of the humanity. It can be defined as this: An innate propensity to do good or bad. Now, such propensity is due to the more or less advanced state of the spirit. A person whose spirit is already purified does good without premeditation and as a very natural thing and being praised for that a cause of surprise. Hence it is not fair to say “those who are only good and devout just out of their instincts are bad since they are blindly dominated by something that can suddenly throw them off the cliff”. The ones who are instinctively good and sincere demonstrate an already realized progress; those who do so intentionally, progress is still to take place and for that reason there is struggle between the two feelings. In the first group the difficulty has been defeated; in the second group it must be defeated. The first group is like someone that can read and do so effortlessly, almost unnoticeably; the second one is like someone that works on the spelling. Should one have less merit than the other just because it is late?
Religious and Philosophical Meditations Dictated by the spirit of Lamennais Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, medium Mr. A. Didier
The CrossPhilanthropists, you must not invent philanthropy since there is only charity. Philosophers, you must not invent wisdom since there is only one. Deists, you must not invent God since there is only one. Poets, you must not disturb the human heart.
Philanthropists, you want to break the chains that hold humanity captive; philosophers, you erect Pantheons; poets, you romanticize fanaticism. Back up! You are from this world and Jesus said: “My kingdom is not from this world.”
Oh! You belong too much to this muddy world to understand those sublime words. And if a sufficiently powerful judge asked you: Are you the Son of God? Your answer would fade in your throat and you would not be able to respond as Christ did before humanity: “You said that.”
You are all gods, said Jesus, when the tongue of fire descends upon your heads and penetrates your hearts; you are all gods when you live in the name of charity on Earth, but you are the children of the world when you see the current suffering of humanity and do not consider its divine future.
Mankind! May that word be read by your heart and not by your material eyes! Christ did not erect a Pantheon. He erected a cross!
How blessed are the poor in spirit
However, and as Gérard de Nerval* said lately, the unknown intelligence on Earth shall have a great merit before God. In fact someone that bears a powerful intelligence fighting against every unfortunate circumstance must rejoice with these words: “the last will be first, and the first will be last”. This must not be exclusively understood in a material sense but also with respect to the manifestations of the spirit and in the works of human intelligence. The qualities of the heart are meritorious because the circumstances that can preclude them are very small, rare and futile. Charity must shine everywhere, despite everything and to everyone, like the Sun shines to all. A person can preclude someone else’s intelligence from manifesting but cannot do anything against their feelings. The struggle against adversity, the anguishes of pain can paralyze the impulses of the genius but cannot halt those of charity.
* Reference to a communication by Gérard de Nerval
We touch here one of the most serious and terrible issues faced by the human race and that throws it into uncertainty. Is the black race to the level of the Europeans and should human prudence, or even better, human justice show them emancipation as the safest way of achieving the progress of civilization? The philanthropists point to the Gospel and say: “Has Jesus talked about slaves?” No, but Jesus spoke of resignation and said these sublime words: “My kingdom is not from this world.”
John Brown, when I look at your corpse in the gallows I am taken by a profound compassion and eager admiration, but reason, this brutal reason that incessantly drags us to the whys, leads us to ask ourselves: “What would have you done after victory?”
Allan Kardec