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9. These facts are not surprising when one knows the power of second sight, and the natural cause of this faculty. Jesus possessed it in a supreme degree; and he can also have been at the time in his normal state, as a great number of his acts testify, and which is explained today by the magnetic phenomena and Spiritism.
The miraculous draught of fishes is equally well explained by second sight. Jesus did not produce fishes spontaneously there where they did not exist. He has seen, as a lucid would have been able to do, by the eyes of the soul, the place where they were found; and he has been able to say with assurance to the fishers: “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
The power to fathom thought, by which foresight can be obtained, is the result of second sight. When Jesus called Peter to him, as well as Andrew, James, John, and Matthew, he must have known their dispositions intimately in order to know that they would follow him, and that they were capable of fulfilling the mission with which he must charge them. It was also necessary that they themselves should have an intuition of this mission in order to give themselves up to him. Again, it is the same at the Lord’s Supper, when he announces that one of the twelve will betray him, and when he designates him by saying it is he who is placing his hand in the dish with him, and also when he says that Peter will deny him.
In many places in the Gospels we read: “But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said unto them.” Now, how could he know their thoughts if it was not at the time in the fluidic-radiance which carried their thoughts to him, and also the spiritual sight, which gave him power to read the mind of individuals?
Then, often when one believes an idea profoundly shrouded in the depth of the soul, one doubts not that there is a mirror within which reflects it, — a revelator in its own fluidic- radiance which is impregnated with it. If we could see the mechanism of the invisible world which surrounds us, the ramifications of these conducting threads of thought which bind all intelligent beings, incarnated and otherwise, the fluidic-effluvia charged with imprints of the moral world, and which like aerial currents traverse space, one would be less surprised at certain effects that ignorance attributes to chance (chap, XIV, from item n° 22 on).
The miraculous draught of fishes is equally well explained by second sight. Jesus did not produce fishes spontaneously there where they did not exist. He has seen, as a lucid would have been able to do, by the eyes of the soul, the place where they were found; and he has been able to say with assurance to the fishers: “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”
The power to fathom thought, by which foresight can be obtained, is the result of second sight. When Jesus called Peter to him, as well as Andrew, James, John, and Matthew, he must have known their dispositions intimately in order to know that they would follow him, and that they were capable of fulfilling the mission with which he must charge them. It was also necessary that they themselves should have an intuition of this mission in order to give themselves up to him. Again, it is the same at the Lord’s Supper, when he announces that one of the twelve will betray him, and when he designates him by saying it is he who is placing his hand in the dish with him, and also when he says that Peter will deny him.
In many places in the Gospels we read: “But Jesus, knowing their thoughts, said unto them.” Now, how could he know their thoughts if it was not at the time in the fluidic-radiance which carried their thoughts to him, and also the spiritual sight, which gave him power to read the mind of individuals?
Then, often when one believes an idea profoundly shrouded in the depth of the soul, one doubts not that there is a mirror within which reflects it, — a revelator in its own fluidic- radiance which is impregnated with it. If we could see the mechanism of the invisible world which surrounds us, the ramifications of these conducting threads of thought which bind all intelligent beings, incarnated and otherwise, the fluidic-effluvia charged with imprints of the moral world, and which like aerial currents traverse space, one would be less surprised at certain effects that ignorance attributes to chance (chap, XIV, from item n° 22 on).