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THE MEDIUMS’ BOOK > PART SECOND - SPIRIT-MANIFESTATIONS > CHAPTER IV - THEORY OF PHYSICAL MANIFESTATIONS > Movements and liftings - Sounds - Temporary increase and decrease of the weight of bodies. > 75
75. These explanations are clear, categorical, and unambiguous; and from them
we derive this very important information, viz., that the universal fluid, in which
resides the principle of life, is the chief agent of spirit-manifestation, and that this agent
receives its impulse from the spirit,
whether the latter be incarnated or errant. This fluid, condensed, constitutes the
perispirit, or, in other words, the semi-material envelope of the spirit. In the state of
incarnation, the perispirit is united to the matter of the body ; in the erratic state, it is
free. When the spirit is incarnated the substance of the perispirit is more or less bound,
more or less adherent, if we may be allowed the expression. With certain persons, a sort
of emanation of this fluid takes place, as the result of their Organisation; and it is this
fact, strictly speaking which explains the peculiar qualities of physical mediums. The
emission of this animalised fluid may be more or less abundant, its combination more
or less easy; and mediums will accordingly be more or less powerful There is nothing to
guarantee the permanence of the medianimic faculty; and the occasional loss of power
by mediums is thus explained.